Seychellen Reise Blog

Weihnachten auf den Seychellen
If you’re looking for somewhere to be warm this Christmas, your fireplace might not be the only option! Ever dreamed of a white-sanded Christmas? If so, then Seychelles could be the perfect holiday-season getaway. A Tropical Wonderland Christmas in Seychelles is all about family, food... and beach parties! Like many places around the globe, celebrating a Seychelles Christmas includes decorating homes, malls, restaurants and bars, and other buildings, both inside...
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Der perfekte La Digue Tagesausflug
If you plan to visit Seychelles, visiting La Digue is a must! The island offers stunning palm-fringed beaches, rare wildlife, and an off-the-beaten-track feel. This is a practical guide for your perfect La Digue day trip! Getting to La Digue The island is easily accessible from Praslin or Mahe. It is only a 15-minute ferry crossing from Praslin and between 75 - 120 minutes from Mahe (route dependant). When travelling from Praslin to La Digue, I recommend I...
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Seychellen offen für alle
Great news! From 25th March 2021, Seychelles will reopen its borders to all visitors regardless of their vaccination status (except for South Africa). The Seychelles Minister for Foreign Affairs and Tourism delivered the long-awaited announcement on 4th March 2021, making Seychelles one of the first countries to open its borders to visitors from all around the world. Relaxed travel requirements Mandatory quarantines and restrictions on movements will no longer apply. Th...
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Seychellen - Licht am Ende des Tunnels
Since re-opening to international visitors back in August 2020, the Seychelles government - in a bid to support its tourism industry while still trying to keep its population safe from the global pandemic - placed restrictions on travellers to the archipelago, limiting the number of countries from which visitors were welcome. As could be expected, these restrictions, along with global travel bans, stopped many from visiting Seychelles this past year, which in turn has had a devastating impact ...
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Die Seychellen sind wieder lebendig
Despite the worldwide health crisis, with nations enforcing even more stringent lockdowns and travel restrictions, Seychelles still remains an escape for thousands of tourists. Seychelles managed to prevent the virus from spreading by taking quick and drastic measures back in March, putting the island nation into lockdown for almost three months. The archipelago now seems well ahead on the path of recovery and remains steadfast. Seychelles offers visitors a unique experience. Its blend of ...
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Die Seychellen sind entschlossen, offen zu bleiben!
Like many other countries relying heavily on the tourism industry, Seychelles and its economy has been hard-hit by COVID-19. While many island destinations are either still in lockdown, or on the verge of reclosing their borders, the Seychelles government has taken a different approach. In an effort to combat the uncertainties brought about by the current pandemic, and to keep businesses and job alive, Seychelles is doing everything it can to attract visitors back to their safe paradise. Keepi...
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Fest Mariä Himmelfahrt 2020
Jedes Jahr am 15. August kommen die Seychellois zusammen, um das "Fest der Himmelfahrt" zu feiern. Die Feierlichkeiten, die oft viele Touristen anziehen, sind den Einheimischen als "Lafet La Digue" bekannt. Es ist die Zeit für Messen unter freiem Himmel, Prozessionen, Straßenfeste, Live-Musik-Shows und Essensstände. Lafet ist ein wahres Schaufenster des traditionellen Lebensstils der Seychellois. In diesem Jahr wurde jedoch aufgrund des Corona-Ausbruchs und der Ankündigung des Gesundheitsministeriums der Seychellen, dass große öffentliche Versammlungen...
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Die Seychellen sind offen!
Finally, as per 1st August 2020, after almost 4 months of lockdown, Seychelles officially announced the re-opening of its border to international visitors. So, if like me, you’ve been dreaming of visiting the East African paradise, now is your chance! The Islands are more pristine than ever! "The Islands are quiet. Tranquil bays and deserted deserted beaches are waiting, just for you!" Airlines are starting commercial flights to Seychelles again! Etihad...
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Wann kann ich wieder auf die Seychellen reisen?
The good news, for some, is now! For others, it may require a bit more patience. While the Seychelles has officially reopened its borders to tourism, the reality is that international travel will only be possible when governments - both foreign and domestic - revoke travel bans, when the right transportation options are made available and, most importantly, when we feel safe to travel again. To see what is already possible, I have sifted through the information currently avail...
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Träumen Sie jetzt, besuchen Sie bald die Seychellen!
The Seychelles Tourism Board initiated a new campaign called “Dream Now, Experience Seychelles Later”, designed to keep Seychelles at the top of people’s must-visit lists. So in this time of global-pandemic, I would like to take you on a virtual tour of the Seychelles and maybe inspire you to dream now with a view to experience later. "Those who return to visit Seychelles first, within say the next 12 months, will be rewarded with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to e...
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